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  • Writer's pictureLiz Hood

Breaking the Mold: Embracing Yoga Beyond the Studio

In a world dominated by images of sculpted bodies in stylish yoga gear, stepping into a yoga class can be an intimidating experience. Perfect poses, designer outfits, and high-end mats can create an atmosphere that seems exclusive. Online classes offer the flexibility needed for shy would-be yogis.

One of my personal yoga downfalls is my absolutley pathetic downward dog. My hamstrings are so legendary in their tighness, there's no way I can do that pose with straight legs or even heels on the floor.

I know you're not supposed to compare yourself to the other people in the class, but it's hard not to notice when my downward dog is the worst in class and beyond that, I can't even hold it that long.

So I just take it easy and meet myself where I'm currently at comfortably at home watching videos on my laptop. My personal mantra: a downward dog done badly is better than no downward dog at all.

At home, there's no pressure to hold a pose when it's uncomfortable. The most important thing is to breathe, get in your own body, and listen when it's telling you to ease up. Most of the yoga related injuries are sprain & strain related, so be careful!

The journey of yoga begins with finding comfort in your own skin and learning at your pace. Online tutorials offer a judgment-free zone where you can explore the foundations of yoga without comparing yourself to others and the ability to pause and rewind when needed.

Yoga is for everyone, regardless of body shape, fitness level, or the brand of your yoga mat. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the yoga studio scene, consider breaking away from convention and embracing the practice in your own space.

So, ditch the intimidation, roll out your yoga mat, and let the online world of yoga be your guide. Your journey is unique, and yoga is a personal practice that should reflect your individuality. Break free from the stereotypes, and discover the joy of yoga on your terms – no designer outfit required.

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